For a world in the clearest water, the cleanest air, and the purest land.
26 May, 2020
NEW VIDEO! Grounded staple
19 June, 2020
For a world in the clearest water, the cleanest air, and the purest land.
26 May, 2020
NEW VIDEO! Grounded staple
19 June, 2020
Get time savings in installation thanks to the advantages of our omega type supports, for cable trays, both grid type, as well as perforated and blind. The support sits directly on the fixing surface, avoiding spending time regulating the anchor's tightening torque. For grid-type trays, fixing is direct and secure without the need for screws. For blind and perforated trays, we can choose to use a self-tapping screw, achieving a perfect fixation without the need to place the uncomfortable nut at the bottom.

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